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The project page for the NOAA MAPP lab

Data Repository for the NOAA MAPP Project

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Python Scripts

Data Link Description File type
Daymet Monthly Sums Link Daymet monthly sums new yearly file .py
Daymet Leap Year Link Daymet 365 to 366 days, new yearly file version 2 .py
Penman Monteith Evapotranspiration Monthly Totals Link The Penman-Monteith ETo FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) - equation for crop reference evapotranspiration .py

Daymet (V3) Data and Precipitation (Raw)

Data Link Description File type
Daymet Monthly Sums Link Daymet precipitation data for Puerto Rico ranging from 1980 - 2019 .nc4
Solar Radiation Link Solar radiation data for Puerto Rico ranging from 1980 - 2019 .nc4
Max temperature Link Max temperature data for Puerto Rico ranging from 1980 - 2019 .nc4
Minimum Temperature Link Minimum temperature data for Puerto Rico ranging from 1980 - 2019 .nc4
Vapor Pressure Link Vapor pressure data for Puerto Rico ranging from 1980 - 2019 .nc4

Daymet (V3) Precipitation Data (Edited)

Data Link Description File type
Daymet Daily Sums Link Daymet precipitation data for Puerto Rico ranging from 1980 - 2019, with leap years, projected for daily values .nc4
Daymet Monthly Sums Link Daymet precipitation data for Puerto Rico ranging from 1980 - 2019, with leap years, monthly values .nc4

Evaporative Demand Drought Index

Data Link Description File Type
Calculate EDDI Stats Link Python script to calculate Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI) .py
Import ASCII Files Link Python script to import ASCII file and calculate .py
Plot Map Link Python script to plot map of EDDI data .py

Data Link File Type
WRF-Chem AOD and GDI dataset, Part 1 of 2 (652 MB) Hosted at Louisiana State University tar.gz
WRF-Chem AOD and GDI dataset, Part 2 of 2 (509 MB) Hosted at Louisiana State University tar.gz

Additional Information and Helpful Resources

Site Link Description
Climate Indices in Python Link Tutorial on setting up the environment in python, installing the appropriate packages and dealing with .nc data
EDDI Package Link Package for calculating Evaporative Demand Drought Index in Python
Pypi Link Useful python package for multiple climate indices. Github here
NIDIS Drought Information Link Related to Pypi, more information on each index

Data sources will be added at the bottom of the page (WIP)

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Team Dropbox

Site Directory:

Main Page
Data Repository
Results Page
Related Works
Scripts Page
Dr. Paul Miller LSU